Areadne Lifelong Learning Centre
Areadne is an accredited Lifelong Learning Centre in Greece (Acc. No. 2101309) specializing in professional and vocational programmes for NEETs, professionals and the general public. It came about after IP Educational and An.Di. IT Solutions merged in 2015. We offer online and face-to-face courses in Greek and English at various levels of the Hellenic Qualifications Framework (equivalent to the European Qualifications Framework). Our courses include languages, ICT, teacher training, tourism studies,
business administration and more. Most of our courses include internships or other practical elements. Furthermore, we design or evaluate courses for businesses and other organisations. Areadne employs 10 learning consultants/ trainers, all of whom hold advanced postgraduate degrees and over 10 years of experience in their area of expertise. Organizations we work with include
schools, universities, national and international training companies and organizations, national and international NGOs, Chambers of Commerce, Employer and Employee organizations, local, national and international corporations. Our training centre is fully accessible by people with needs.

Association Connexion Roumanie
The Association aims are to promote Romanian culture in Europe, in the context of Romania’s EU integration and intercultural dialogue and promote active European citizenship.
- Meetings, debaters, concerts, performances in France, Belgium and the Republic of Moldova in partnership with various associations and organizations that Romanian House in Paris, ICR Paris, ICR Brussels, Paris House of Student Initiatives etc.
- In 2011 in co-operation with two other partners it initiated the Grundtvig-funded program “Voix des Femmes”.
- Participation with its own stand at book fairs in Paris (2007, 2008), Brussels (2011), Education Fair in Paris (2007).
- As a founding member of the European Federation of Cultural Associations of the Ile de France region co-organised the Europe Day cultural programme with the city of Paris, 11 District in 2008 and 2009.
- Distribution of Romanian books and press (2006).
- Participation in the LLP Programme Grundtvig Elderly Memories with Ariadna Association (2010-2012).
- Participation in the LLP Programme Voix et voies des Femmes en Europe (2011-2013), International Poetic Alphabet (Europoems) (2012-2014), Open Government in Europe (OpenGovEU) (2014-2015).
ITE P.Savi
ITE P. Savi is a secondary education technical and economic school, whose courses include tourism and administration, finance and marketing and international relations for marketing. This year our institute has been enriched by a school evening course and by a course in the penitentiary of our city district . The staff consists of 121 units . Our 951 students come from the town of Viterbo and from the neighboring villages; the percentage of foreign students (11%) is high and growing; the number of students with special educational needs (BES / DSA) is approximately 4%. All pupils learn English as their first foreign language and French, German and Spanish as a second and third language. The socio-economic context of our learners can be defined rural; there are also many firms in the service industry which have been hit by the recent economic crisis.

Hatay Antakya Nedime Keser Halk Egitim Merkezi
Antakya Nedime Keser Public Education Center Directorate started its activities in 1957 and has been serving actively with 6 administrators, 27 full-time teachers, 111 master instructors, and 12 officials and other staff members since then. Our center is located in the city center of Antakya, which is the largest and central district with a population of 360,652 in the province of Hatay, which has a population of 1,533,507, in the south of Turkey. As of January 2017, 238 courses have been opened in our institutional system and 4,620 trainees have been trained.
Our center, which has the largest public education center building in Turkey, has 6 floors and consists of 10 classrooms, 7 workshops, 2 computer laboratories, 1 gymnasium, 1 library, 1 conference hall, 1 dining hall, 1 exhibition hall, and 1 nursery room. The new building of our center was built by Keskin KESER, a business man, in the name of his mother Nedime KESER and started to be used in 2014.
There are courses in the fields of ICT, child development, personal evelopment, foreign languages, occupational training, music, sports, handicrafts, and literacy within the institution. In these areas, a total of 1,399 courses were given in 2015-2016 academic year. 19,176 females and 15,376 males participated in these courses. A total of 23,716 trainees from participating trainees were awarded certificates. The institution also provides educational services outside the building by opening courses in Syrian schools, public
schools and one refugee camp, Apaydın Camp, which is located in our district.
Our Center has successfully carried out 5 EU-funded projects, but not in the last three years. These are as follows:
1. Project for the Development of Cultural Entrepreneurship Skills of Adult Women (2010- LDV),
2. Strengthening the Orientation from School to Job (2010- LDV),
3. Advanced Vocational Training for Graduates (2010- LDV),
4. Methodology and Language for Overseas Teachers (2013-Grundtvig),
5. European School – Key to Modern European Education (2014 – Erasmus+ KA1).